Donatella Della Porta
L'âge de la Régression
Arjun Appaduraï, Zygmunt Bauman, Nancy Fraser, Eva Illouz, Ivan Krastev, Bruno Latour, Paul
- Premier Parallèle
- 13 Avril 2017
- 9791094841495
Un grand débat international sur la situation contemporaine, porté par 15 intellectuels du monde entier : Arjun Appadurai, Zygmunt Bauman, Nancy Fraser, Bruno Latour, Eva Illouz, Ivan Krastev, Paul Mason, Pankaj Mishra, Robert Misik, Oliver Nachtwey, Donatella della Porta, César Rendueles, Wolfgang Streeck, Slavoj Zizek.
Nous vivons un tournant historique.
Non, nous n'avons pas assisté à la "fin de l'Histoire". Loin de marquer le début du règne d'une démocratie universelle et d'un capitalisme heureux, la chute du mur de Berlin a inauguré une période de tourments politiques.
Ascension de partis nationalistes (pensons par exemple au Front national), démagogie (telle que l'incarne Donald Trump), souverainisme (Brexit), tendances autoritaristes d'Europe centrale et d'Europe de l'Est (Hongrie et Pologne), appels à la " grandeur " et à la " pureté " nationale (Narendra Modi en Inde, Vladimir Poutine en Russie), vague générale de xénophobie et de crimes haineux, brutalisation des discours politiques, complotisme, " ère post-vérité ", appels à l'érection de murs toujours plus nombreux, toujours plus hauts...
Tout se passe comme si nous assistions à un grand retour en arrière.
Comme si la peur, la violence et le repli sur soi l'emportaient sur les espoirs jadis nourris par la mondialisation.
Quinze intellectuels, chercheurs et universitaires de renommée internationale explorent les racines profondes de la situation qui est la nôtre aujourd'hui, et qu'il est permis d'appeler une "grande régression". Ils la replacent dans son contexte historique, s'attachent à élaborer des scénarios possibles pour les années à venir, et débattent des stratégies susceptibles de la contrecarrer.
" Un ouvrage passionnant. " Télérama
" Une boîte à outils pour penser la période actuelle. "
France Inter " Les intellectuels de L'Âge de la Régression tentent de construire une nouvelle grille de lecture. (...) Une opération saute frontière pour diagnostiquer un mal global. Un livre en commun pour un monde qui se claquemure. "
" La manifeste mondial contre le populisme. (...) Ouvrage magistral (...) qui acte l'effondrement d'un monde né après la chute du Mur en 1989. "
L'Obs. -
Movement Parties Against Austerity
Hara Kouki, Joseba Fernandez, Lorenzo Mosca
- Polity
- 21 Avril 2017
- 9781509511495
The ascendance of austerity policies and the protests they have generated have had a deep impact on the shape of contemporary politics. The stunning electoral successes of SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos in Spain and the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) in Italy, alongside the quest for a more radical left in countries such as the UK and the US, bear witness to a new wave of parties that draws inspiration and strength from social movements.
The rise of movement parties challenges simplistic expectations of a growing separation between institutional and contentious politics and the decline of the left. Their return demands attention as a way of understanding both contemporary socio-political dynamics and the fundamentals of political parties and representation.
Bridging social movement and party politics studies, within a broad concern with democratic theories, this volume presents new empirical evidence and conceptual insight into these topical socio-political phenomena, within a cross-national comparative perspective. -
Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Bringing Capitalism Back Into Protest Analysis
Donatella Della Porta
- Polity
- 3 Juin 2015
- 9780745688626
Recent years have seen an enormous increase in protests across the world in which citizens have challenged what they see as a deterioration of democratic institutions and the very civil, political and social rights that form the basis of democratic life. Beginning with Iceland in 2008, and then forcefully in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece and Portugal, or more recently in Peru, Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Ukraine, people have taken to the streets against what they perceive as a rampant and dangerous corruption of democracy, with a distinct focus on inequality and suffering.
This timely new book addresses the anti-austerity social movements of which these protests form part, mobilizing in the context of a crisis of neoliberalism. Donatella della Porta shows that, in order to understand their main facets in terms of social basis, strategy, and identity and organizational structures, we should look at the specific characteristics of the socioeconomic, cultural and political context in which they developed.
The result is an important and insightful contribution to understanding a key issue of our times, which will be of interest to students and scholars of political and economic sociology, political science and social movement studies, as well as political activists. -
Financial crisis, economic globalization and the strengthening of neoliberal policies present stark challenges to traditional conceptions of representative democracy. Yet, at the same time, new opportunities are emerging that propose alternative visions for the future of democracy. In this highly articulate book, Donatella della Porta analyses diverse conceptions and practices of participatory and deliberative democracy, building upon recent reflections in normative theory as well as original empirical research. As well as drawing on key historical examples, the book pays close attention to the current revitalization of social movements: the Arab Spring uprisings in processes of democratic transition; the potential of new technologies to develop so-called e-democracy in the Indignados and Occupy Wall Street protests; and proposals for cosmopolitan democracy found in recent campaigns for democratization of the European Union and United Nations. Alongside such social movements, the book also assesses institutional reactions, from the policing of protest to efforts at reform. This contribution to a critical contemporary debate, by a leading political sociologist and scholar of social movements, will be of great value to students and scholars of political sociology, political science and social movement studies, as well as anyone interested in the shape and development of democracy.
Movement Parties Against Austerity
Hara Kouki, Lorenzo Mosca, Joseba FernÁ, Ndez
- Polity
- 23 Mai 2017
- 9781509511471
The ascendance of austerity policies and the protests they have generated have had a deep impact on the shape of contemporary politics. The stunning electoral successes of SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos in Spain and the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) in Italy, alongside the quest for a more radical left in countries such as the UK and the US, bear witness to a new wave of parties that draws inspiration and strength from social movements.
The rise of movement parties challenges simplistic expectations of a growing separation between institutional and contentious politics and the decline of the left. Their return demands attention as a way of understanding both contemporary socio-political dynamics and the fundamentals of political parties and representation.
Bridging social movement and party politics studies, within a broad concern with democratic theories, this volume presents new empirical evidence and conceptual insight into these topical socio-political phenomena, within a cross-national comparative perspective. -
Democracy in Social Movements
Donatella Della Porta
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 31 Juillet 2009
- 9780230240865
This collection explores conceptions and practices of democracy of social movement organizations involved in global protest. Focusing on the global justice movement this book shows how they adopt radical new democratic approaches and thus provide a fundamental critique of conventional politics.
The birth of democracies owes much to the interventions and mobilizations of ordinary people. Yet many feel as though they have inherited democratic institutions which do not deliver for the people - that a rigid democratic process has been imposed from above, with increasing numbers of people feeling left out or left behind.
In this well-researched volume, leading political sociologist Donatella della Porta rehabilitates the role social movements have long played in fostering and deepening democracy, particularly focusing on progressive movements of the Left which have sought to broaden the plurality of voices and knowledge in democratic debate. Bridging social movement studies and democratic theory, della Porta investigates contemporary innovations in times of crisis, particularly those in the direction of participatory and deliberative practices - `crowd-sourced constitutions', referendums from below and movement parties - and reflects on the potential and limits of such alternative politics.
In a moment in which concerns increase for the potential disruption of a Great Regression led by xenophobic movements and parties, the cases and analyses of resistance in this volume offer important material for students and scholars of political sociology, political science and social movement studies. -
A new, fully-revised and updated edition of the leading introduction to social movements and collective action - covers a broad range of approaches in the social sciences. Now in its third edition, Social Movements is the market-leading introductory text on collective action in contemporary society. The text draws from theory-driven, systematic empirical research from across the social sciences to address central questions and concepts in the field. Sophisticated yet reader-friendly chapters offer critical analyses of relevant literature whilst exploring important issues and debates. The global political landscape has undergone significant changes in the years since this book's initial publication, such as the spread of online protests, the resurgence of nationalist and right-wing activity, global revolts, and increased social and economic polarization. This thoroughly updated edition offers fresh discussions of recent social movements against austerity from around the world, new empirical examples, references to recent episodes of contention, an expanded comparative approach to social movement theory in the scientific literature, and more. Positioned at the intersection of sociology and political science, this book: Presents an empirical and engaging exploration of contemporary social movements Discusses topics such as organizing within social movements, eventful protests, political opportunities, symbolism and identity in collective action, and social change Highlights how core mechanisms of collective action operate in different movements, past and present Provides a conceptual methodology useful for social science students and researchers alike Highlights how core mechanisms of collective action operate in different movements in the past and present Written by two internationally recognized experts in sociology and political science, the third edition of Social Movements: An Introduction is an essential course text and a must-read for students and scholars of sociology, political sociology, political science, and social movement studies.
Solidarity Mobilizations in the `Refugee Crisis'
Donatella Della Porta
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 21 Février 2018
- 9783319717524
This edited collection introduces conceptual innovations that critically engage with understanding refugee movements as part of the broader category of `poor people's movements'. The empirical focus of the work lies on the protest events related to the so-called `long summer of migration' of 2015. It traces the route followed by the migrants from the places of first arrival to the places of passage and on to the places of destination. Through qualitative and quantitative data, the authors map, within a cross-national comparative perspective, the wide set of actions and initiatives that are being created in solidarity with refugees who have made their journey seeking asylum to the European Union, either travelling across the Mediterranean Sea or through South Eastern Europe. It explores these cases from the perspective of social movement studies alongside critical studies on migration and citizenship.
The New Social Division
Tiina Silvasti, Sakari Hanninen, Martti Siisiainen
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 11 Mars 2016
- 9781137509352
This volume addresses issues of precariousness in a broad, interdisciplinary perspective, looking at socio-economic transformations as well as the identity formation and political organizing of precarious people. The collection bridges empirical research with social theory to problematize and analyse the precariat.
Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism
Lorenzo Cini, Cesar Guzman-Concha
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 22 Août 2021
- 9783030757540
This book inquires into the global wave of student mobilizations that have arisen in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, accounting for their historical and sociological significance. More specifically, its eleven chapters explore the role of students as political actors: their ability to build effective organizations, to make political alliances with other actors, and to win public consensus, as well as their impact on cultural, political, and policy outcomes. To do so, the volume examines case studies in England, Chile, South Africa, Quebec, and Hong Kong, covering Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and Latin America. Grouped into two major sections, the collection covers the organizational structures of student movements and their alliances and outcomes. Ultimately, this volume examines the understudied political aspects of student unrest, exploring how student mobilizations-driven by indebtedness, precariousness, the corporatization of the university, and other issues-correspond to larger processes of change with wider implications in society.
Police et manifestants ; maintien de l'ordre et gestion des conflits
Olivier Fillieule
- Presses de Sciences Po
- 6 Avril 2006
- 9782724688443
Reposant sur les théories classiques des mouvements sociaux et de leur interaction avec l'État, sa police et les médias, cet ouvrage propose une analyse comparative de la transformation des relations entre police et manifestants, et plus largement celle de la gestion des mouvements sociaux et du maintien de l'ordre par les États. Les auteurs observent, malgré une relative euphémisation de la violence dans les relations entre policiers et manifestants, de fortes différences selon les situations. En démocratie même, la tendance à la pacification des conflits n'est pas linéaire, compte tenu du contexte international lié au terrorisme et au fondamentalisme musulman. L'ouvrage s'appuie sur des exemples concrets en Europe, aux États-Unis, en Afrique, au Moyen-Orient et utilise des données très diverses : observation, participation aux conflits, dépouillement d'archives policières, suivi de la législation, entretiens.