Livres en VO
Le convoyeur Tome 4 : la saison des spores
Tristan Roulot, Armand
- Lombard
- 25 Octobre 2023
- 9782808213691
Minerva a récupéré son aimé mais l’esprit de ce dernier appartient toujours à la Reine des Convoyeurs. Et les stocks du sérum capable de le rendre à son humanité diminuent drastiquement. À présent, pour sauver Kivan, à défaut d’avoir pu sauver leur fils Iram, Minerva n’a plus le choix : elle doit retrouver le cargo et tuer la Reine ! Enfin, si la horde des Convoyeurs, la Nature ou le mystérieux homme lancé à ses trousses ne la tuent pas avant…
Jack Irons is een ingenieur die gespecialiseerd is in de bouw van
superstructuren. Een topper in zijn vakgebied van wie het advies
gegeerd is. Maar Irons is een mensenhater en een sarcast. Een man die
geen greintje sympathie opwekt. Van reuzebruggen tot constructies in
de meest vijandige omstandigheden: als de uitdaging onmogelijk lijkt,
is Irons de man die je zoekt. -
Na de tsunami van 2004 worden nieuwe bruggen gebouwd om de dorpen met
elkaar te verbinden. In Sinkis slepen de werken aan en blijven de
bruggen onafgewerkt. Irons wordt ter plaatse gestuurd om de
vertraging te onderzoeken. Het werk van de multinational Starbridge
in vraag stellen, is een hachelijke bezigheid. Irons krijgt al snel
te maken met een leugenachtige ingenieur en zijn te duchten
handlangers. -
The year is 1934. Rasputin holds the reins of government. When the Czar is mortally wounded in an ambush, the mad monk turns to his Council of Dark Mages and his former mentor, Baba Yaga. Together, they concoct a plan that involves trench warfare mechas, mind-to-mind transfers, and the long-lost heir to the Romanoff throne: Kyril Noskov, a hero of the war that's been raging since 1914, to which generations of Russian youth have been sacrificed. Roulot and Rodier's reimagining of a Russia that never was blends science fact and dark fantasy into a spellbinding fable of the price of power.
Irons - Volume 1 - The Engineer
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 14 Février 2019
- 9791032807590
Meet Jack Irons. He's a cold son-of-a-bitch, but he's got a gift. He can look at a disaster-a fallen bridge, a collapsed skyscraper-and see everything: the physics, the material stresses, the behind-the-scenes insight into how it all went wrong, claiming lives and property. Makes sense: he's a structural engineer. And when he applies his brilliant, analytical mind to crimefighting, then the truth will out. Because that's what he cares about. Not people. Not feelings. The truth. And the truth is about to turn a little Canadian fishing village upside down...
Irons - Tome 2 - The Sands of Sinkis
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 12 Juin 2019
- 9791032808429
Jack Irons' latest adventure finds him in the Far East, looking into a bridge that just can't seem to get built. Accidents plague its troubled construction: crumbling concrete, disappearing workers... why does the Starbridge company keep pouring money into a losing proposition? It's a mess, but the kind that's right up this brilliant engineer's alley. And Irons knows he's on the right track, because goons are crawling out of the woodwork to come gunning for him. Can he find out the truth in time to save not only his own skin but that of Mary, a pretty sociologist studying corruption?
Hedge Fund - Volume 5 - Death Upfront
Philippe Sabbah, Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 20 Novembre 2019
- 9791032809600
Frank Carvale, a star hedge fund manager specializing in ethical investments, hoped to use a wealthy client's money to feed the poor in Eritrea. But the Eritrean president turns out to have other ideas: namely, enriching himself by selling off his country's land to the Chinese. Frank's quest to make a difference-and make money for his board-will thrust him into a dangerous showdown with a dictator as well as a confrontation with his old nemesis: Ergyu Bilkaer.
Hedge Fund - Volume 4 - The Billionaire Heiress
Philippe Sabbah, Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 16 Octobre 2019
- 9791032809488
When a botched Ponzi scheme landed Frank Carvale in prison, he thought he'd spend the rest of his life behind bars. But thanks to a lucky break, he's back at the head of Bright Capital, a high-powered hedge fund. This time, Frank wants to get things right, and a proposal from African-born heiress Josephine Paxton-Richet seems like the perfect opportunity to do some good in the world. But feeding the people of Eritrea-and keeping his board happy-might not be as easy as it seems...
Hedge Fund - Volume 1 - Money Men
Philippe Sabbah, Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 17 Juillet 2019
- 9791032808764
Frank Carvale is arrogant, ambitious, and willing to do anything it takes to get ahead. He's clever, too, but maybe not as clever as he thinks. A chance meeting with a magnate in Hong Kong could either be the big break he needs-or the biggest mistake of his life. A financial thriller set at the heart of the international economic crisis.
Hedge Fund - Volume 2 - Toxic Assets
Tristan Roulot, Philippe Sabbah
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 21 Août 2019
- 9791032809105
Nothing can get in the way of Frank Carvale's rise. At the head of one of Wall Street's top-performing investment funds, he has so many people vying for his services that he's forced to turn away all but the very wealthiest, with a buy-in set at twenty million. What could go wrong, especially with Frank's mentor behind the scenes, the seemingly omniscient Bilkaer? And when a new product comes along to invest in, something called subprime mortgages, Frank's earnings spike further still, making him one of Wall Street's brightest stars. But for how long?
Hedge Fund - Tome 3 - Chaos Strategy
Tristan Roulot, Philippe Sabbah
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 18 Septembre 2019
- 9791032808832
Manipulated by billionaire and high finance kingpin Bilkaer, Frank Carvale has become the scapegoat for the subprime crisis, and is paying a heavy price for the role he's played. Will he ever step foot outside the prison walls again? Whatever the case, revenge might just be within reach. Revenge... and possibly even redemption.
Hedge Fund - Volume 6 - Financial Assassin
Tristan Roulot, Philippe Sabbah
- Europe Comics
- Third Wave Lombard
- 22 Avril 2020
- 9791032810323
Frank Carvale, manager of the hedge fund Bright Capital, is being blackmailed by the US government. To keep his wife from finding out about a past affair, he's forced to use his knowledge of the financial markets to sabotage the Shanghai International Gold Exchange. But there may be more at stake than the price of gold. As tensions rise on either side of the Taiwan Strait, no one is safe from becoming collateral damage in the economic war being waged from the shadows by Frank's mentor-turned-nemesis, Ergyu Bilkaer.
The Transporter - Volume 1 - Nymph
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 15 Juillet 2020
- 9791032810866
Human life has been devasted by an unstoppable virus ... Not a disease, but a chemical reaction that attacks iron, destroying everything that contains them and setting civilization back hundreds of years. It even affects the iron that is present in blood-enough to cause bizarre mutations and affect human fertility. Amid the resulting chaos, one man has set himself an unusual mission: to transport anything anywhere for anyone-for a price. But what he asks in return is no less mystifying than his self-appointed role... as the Transporter.
Op de ruïnes van onze muterende samenleving heeft hij maar één
missie: al wat je het meest dierbaar is veilig ter bestemming
brengen. -
Een virus heeft zich over de aarde verspreid. De `Roest' heeft het
ijzer aangetast en gebouwen, voertuigen en gereedschap zijn
langzaamaan afgebrokkeld... Onze beschaving is terug naar de Steentijd
gekatapulteerd. In die brutale wereld incarneert de legendarische
Drager de enige hoop voor veel mensen. Hij aanvaardt alle missies die
hem worden toevertrouwd, hoe gevaarlijk die ook zijn. In ruil
daarvoor moeten de opdrachtgevers alleen een vreemd ei opeten... -
The Transporter - Volume 2 - City of a Thousand Spires
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 21 Juillet 2021
- 9791032812228
The Transporter never refuses a mission... on one condition: that on completion, his "clients" swallow an egg. Only one other person knows what the eggs are and what they do to the people who ingest them-and she is hunting the Transporter down. She finally catches up with him in Arcasso, the "City of a Thousand Spires," where the Duke is attempting to regenerate the human race-through nightly debauchery. When he enlists the Transporter in his cause, the woman is forced into action, setting off a chain of events that will ultimately reveal the source of the Transporter's power... and the terrible truth behind his eggs.
The Forest of Time - Volume 1 - Children of the Stone
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 23 Février 2022
- 9791032812952
Deep in the heart of an enchanted forest, a small village of children lives unaffected by the passage of time thanks to a powerful stone that protects them from it. But when the stone is shattered and a thief runs off with one of the shards, four of the children must set out at once in search of the missing shard before their village is swallowed up by time and everybody in it dies. Armed with four crystals with special powers, the children bravely make their way through the dangerous forest to hunt down the thief, making friends and enemies along the way and encountering one strange creature after another.
Na de tsunami van 2004 worden nieuwe bruggen gebouwd om de dorpen met
elkaar te verbinden. In Sinkis slepen de werken aan en blijven de
bruggen onafgewerkt. Irons wordt ter plaatse gestuurd om de
vertraging te onderzoeken. Het werk van de multinational Starbridge
in vraag stellen, is een hachelijke bezigheid. Irons krijgt al snel
te maken met een leugenachtige ingenieur en te duchten handlangers. -
De `Roest' heeft dan misschien elk spoor van ijzer doen verdwijnen,
maar niet de ijzeren wil van Minerva. Voor de wereld is de
wetenschapster een heks geworden, maar ze heeft gezworen de man terug
te vinden van wie ze houdt. De man die van haar hield voordat hij
zijn roeping had gevonden en de Drager werd. Of liever... een Drager!
Minerva heeft hulp ingeroepen om haar missie uit te voeren. Maar kan
één vrouw alleen het hoofd bieden aan de Drager in al zijn
verschijningen, wat het onverbiddelijke einde van de mensheid kan
betekenen? -
The Transporter - Volume 3 - Bound by Darkness
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 22 Juin 2022
- 9791032813225
Against an insidious evil, one woman resists in an effort to save her family, and alter the destiny of humankind. The iron will of Minerva has kept her together through great personal tragedy. A scientist turned sorcerer in the eyes of the world, she has devoted her life to finding and saving the man she loves, who has answered the call of the Transporter. Now Minerva is finally closing in, and she has called upon Nose to help complete her mission. But can she alone stem the tide of chaos sweeping across humanity?
The Forest of Time - Volume 2 - Envoys of No Return
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 26 Juillet 2023
- 9791032814239
The four children from the village unaffected by the passage of time continue on their desperate quest for the thief who stole their magic stone. On their journey, they help a village fight off attacks by war-mongering brutes led by a monster and a Titan, and they make some startling discoveries about time and where they fit into it.
The Transporter - Volume 4 - The Final Mission
Tristan Roulot
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection Le Lombard
- 25 Octobre 2023
- 9791032814536
Minerva's beloved Kivan is back, but it seems his soul still belongs to the Mother, and unfortunately, the stores of antidote are quickly diminishing. Though she was unable to save their son Iram, Minerva may still be able to rescue Kivan. To do so, she'll have no choice but to find the ship and kill the Mother. That is, if the horde of Transporters, Nature, and the mysterious guy who's hot on her heels don't get to her first...